Blogs / Common Mosquito Species and How to Get Rid of Them

Common Mosquito Species and How to Get Rid of Them

Ah, summer. Sunny weather, friends, backyard barbecues, and...mosquitoes. Regardless of how much we love being outdoors this time of year, the presence of annoying mosquitoes can really ruin our fun. I will share insights and tips on how to get rid of them, but first let's take a look at some of the most common mosquito species we may encounter. 


The Usual Suspects

Whether in the outdoors or your own garden, some of the most common mosquito species you’re likely to run into include the Anopheles Mosquito, Asian Tiger Mosquito, Northern House Mosquito, and the Yellow Fever Mosquito. Among them, the Northern House species is probably the most common, and can be found all over North America. They usually come out at dusk looking for meals. The Yellow Fever Mosquito is more common in the southern US, and is well known for transmitting the dreaded yellow fever as their name suggests.

Common Mosquito Species and How to Get Rid of Them


Fighting Back Against Bites 


So how do we fight back against the bite of these little vampires? The key to reducing mosquito presence is to target their breeding grounds. Getting rid of stagnant water around your home and backyard is crucial, as mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. This means regularly emptying bird baths, plant containers, gutters, pools, and any other areas water can collect. 


For larger water sources you can't easily drain like ponds or pools, you can also use bacterial larvicides. These will kill the mosquito larvae before they hatch. Also, keep your grass and shrubs trimmed - mosquitoes love to hide in areas with tall overgrown grass. Another tip - make sure your windows and doors are fitted with screens to keep these pests outside where they belong. This is a simple but effective barrier against mosquito invasions.


Planting certain herbs and flowers can deter mosquitoes, too. Lavender, basil, catnip, and marigolds are not only great for your garden’s look, they also act as natural repellents. Not to mention making your garden smell fantastic!


For immediate relief from bites, consider using insect repellents. Look for good ones containing picaridin, DEET, or oil of lemon eucalyptus - and make sure they are made with organic instead of chemical ingredients. 


Your Secret Weapon - Mosquito Misting Systems


If you have a large outdoor space or entertain guests frequently, and are looking for an extra layer of protection, I would recommend investing in a mosquito misting system. These systems are easy to operate, and automatically release a fine mist of insecticide that kills mosquitoes on contact - creating a barrier around your property that keeps them at bay. They can effectively cover large areas and run on timers, so you don't have to worry about spraying constantly or reapplying insecticides.

Common Mosquito Species and How to Get Rid of Them

Make sure you choose organic insecticides for your system, so you won’t kill the beneficial insects and pollinators as well. But for those of you who are dealing with severe infestations, it's a worthwhile investment that will help you reclaim your outdoor space with ease.


There you have it folks - my two cents on what you need to know about common mosquitoes and ways to get rid of them. Now enjoy the rest of your summer with friends and family, mosquito and hassle-free!